Alberta Forest Management Planning
Forests are one of Alberta’s most important natural resources and provide many benefits to society. Forests are managed based on sustainable forest management principles and responsible stewardship.
For more information on forest management planning in Alberta, visit the Government of Alberta website
Forest Management Plan
A Forest Management Plan (FMP) is a strategic planning tool that directs timber harvesting and forest renewal activities over a ten-year period. It prescribes the sustainable amount and location of timber to be harvested over the next ten years, considering impacts on biodiversity, wildlife, water resources, First Nations and Métis communities, and other users of the forest.
General Development Plan
A General Development Plan (GDP) outline a company’s activities for the next five years. These include a forecast of the areas scheduled for harvest and provide details regarding road requirements and fish and wildlife issues within the planning area. GDPs also guide the integration of activities amongst different operators.
Annual Operating Plan
An Annual Operating Plan (AOP) describes the harvesting and road building activities proposed for the current year and must be approved by the Government of Alberta before timber operations commence. The AOP also includes details regarding reforestation plans, and fire control.